Friday, October 10, 2008

Game Day!

Everything is locked and loaded for tomorrow. I don't have a lot of information to share as it was a quick swim of 15 minutes and about a 15 minute run today. Just an FYI that you can follow the race on

On a side note, at about 6 a.m. the Navy Seals were practicing their fly over parachute jumps into the ocean right outside of our house...very cool. Natalie will get some shots of this tomorrow during the live production.

Thanks again for checking in and I am looking forward to tomorrow. I will post a race report at some time over the next day or so, but it maybe after having a few beers at the Kona Brewery...excellent place to hangout.


Ang said...

Go Captain Pete! You are an inspiration and Jeff & I both wish we had about half of your energy. Good Luck and know we are cheering you on from Green Bay! Jeff, Ang & Cooper Hoisington

Unknown said...

cheering you on from the cheap seats!!!


Janet Wheeler said...

Go litte brother, go!!! Wish I were there - will be tracking you throughout the day.

Love, Jan

KyleKaboom said...

Just saw you finish. "Peter Metz from Germantown, WI" Way to grit it out! They said it was a hot and windy day. More than usual. Nice Job!!

Robb Koz said...

I saw you finish earlier. Congrats on a great race.